In my blog surfing, I stumble across several creative ladies who are so gracious to share their ideas! (So, I do not claim these crafts to be my own creation!) But, I see their ideas and I get so inspired! So, let me show what I've been up to this past few days.........
CUTE t-shirts for my girlie and me!!!
I'm finally getting to use my Williams-Sonoma acorn cakelet pan! I got his neat little pan at the end of Fall last year and I've been waiting for the chance to use it! Well, the weather has chilled and I feel that an acorn shaped treat is fitting! So, I found a recipe for pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and just knew that I needed to make them into cute little acorn shapes!
I spent $4 on a circa. 1980 cheese dome and candlestick (complete with lots of dust!)
I hated to cover these beautiful daisies! NOT!
I added some black spray paint and Gorilla Glue -- added some Halloween spooky stuff and voila~~~
The kids love it! And I think it's pretty darn cute, as well!
I'm crafty...I get around~