Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Monthly Post

It's my new trend...monthly posts.  It makes me feel like a slacker, but it's the best I can do!

Halloween is always a fun time in our neighborhood!  So many kiddos and lots of decorations--and who can overlook the mega-load of candy!  This year I was informed that my decorations were too "cute" and not scary enough.  So, I had to upgrade to skulls and headstones.

And with the scary decorations came scary costumes.  Gone are the days of puppy dogs and mermaids.  This year brought a zombie and a vampire princess.

Yep, he looks gross, but I was a bit proud of my make-up job!

This was taken prior to smudging dirt on me....a Dirt Devil! Ha!

Unfortunately, Halloween played a trick on Lily Clare as she fell victim to the local stomach bug the day before.  John took her around to a few homes, but she didn't feel very good and wanted to come home.  But look at this....some friends brought the trick-or-treating to her and shared some of their candy!  What great boys!  (Even big bro Sam took along a second bag and asked for treats for his little sis!  So sweet!)

And for a little more Halloween fun, I made some treats for Sam and Lily's classes at school...

Cute little witches hats....

and some "bloody band-aids"!  I know, gross, but do you think the kids liked them?!?! Oh, yeah!!!

Fun times~

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