The beauty of Cloudland Canyon:
Now that I'm back to reality, we're getting ready for the big Halloween weekend ahead of us! I decided to take the kids to the local pumpkin patch for some picture takin' and was so surprised to see that almost all of the pumpkins were gone! I did get some cute pics, I mean, how could I not?!?!
After that, we walked around the nursery and gift shop. I felt the kids deserved a little treat, so we had some hot chocolate. Then Sam did the cutest thing. He was adamant about buying me a treat! (Big guy collected some reward money for having straight A's!!! Yea Sam!!! And it was burning a hole in his pocket!) So, he picked out a plant for me to keep in the kitchen! So sweet! I kept telling him that everyone had given him money to spend on himself, but he said he wanted to buy me something because he loved me so much! (And darn it, I didn't have a tape recorder to tape that statement and play it back over and over!) How sweet is that???
And how appropriate is it that he bought me a Hen and Chick plant!
So next, we need to carve the pumpkin, buy the candy, finish the costumes and be ready for the neighborhood party that we'll host on Saturday. Oh the fun that is about to happen! And here's our entry into our Neighborhood Scarecrow Contest...
Happy Fall Y'all~