Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And now, another edition of:

Conversations from the backseat of my minivan!

I know you've been waiting on pins and needles for another edition and I do believe this one will please!

Allow me to set the stage for you:

Sam, Lily Clare and myself are leaving the cool, air conditioned house and entering the minivan that has to be 200+ degrees. We are all buckled in and waiting for the A/C to do it's thing. Conversation begins....

Sam: Oh my gosh, no one wants to touch my armpits right now!

Lily: Why?

Sam: Because they are so, so wet!

Lily: Oh, let me feel!

Conversation pauses as Lily leans across the seat to (I'm assuming) touch Sam's wet armpit.

Lily: Ha, they ARE so wet!


Lily: Mine are too!

Sam: Let me see.

Again, conversation pauses while Sam confirms Lily's statement.

Sam: Yeah, and they smell, too.

Lily: Yeah.

Then we pull into the Publix parking lot and exit the now cool minivan and enter the sweltering, humidity laden, asphalt heated air.

I can only imagine the condition of their armpits at this point.

Raising my hand cause I'm Sure~

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