Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I think I'm in love with Billy Mays!!!

No, not Billy Blanks - the inventor of Tae Bo - (I may fall in love with him after the new year, if he can do something about these thighs!) but Billy Mays, you know, the loud mouthed guy who pitches different amazing products like Oxi-Clean, Mighty Putty and KaBoom.

Well, in the process of de-germing the house after our holiday illness, I've scrubbed everything from top to bottom! For my floors, I used Orange Glo 2 in 1 Clean 'n Shine and I'm amazed! Let me tell you, Billy got it right on!!! (I know this is a pitiful topic to blog about, but give me a break people, we've been in our house for about two weeks with ick -- it's a small moment of happiness!)

Look at that shine!

One of my blogging friends (Hey Jill!) had a "Products you Love" post and this would definitely be my contribution. All you do is squirt it, mop it and you're done! (I did use my floor scrubber before, because we needed a GOOD cleaning!)

So, in my small moment of cleaning bliss, I thought I'd post this and help make someone's life easier!

Where are my shades? These floors are bright!!!~

1 comment:

Jill Hill said...

look at those floors!!! WOWZERS!! now that is impressive. i will be rushing to the nearest store to puchase some of that shine in a bottle. :)

i just got caught up with your blog..i am so sorry about your stomach bugs!! poor sam..his little face is just pitiful in those pictures. :(

hey, atleast your floors are now amazing thanks to the degerming!!

looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas, despite the ick. :)

another billy mays fan,
