We've being having the normal summer fun, but just haven't had a lot of time to blog. I thought I'd do a review of the past couple of weeks so you can see our activities!
So last week, Sam had baseball camp. He had a blast and really learned a lot! By the end of the week he was playing first base and getting some good hits. (He actually figured out what was going on with the rules and such!) Here are a few pictures of him in action...
Ready and waiting!
Oops, it snuck by!
This week we stayed kind of low-key around the house. Nana came to watch the kids while I had a dentist appointment, then we met her later in the week for a little shopping at an outdoor mall. Here's a cute picture of the kiddos! (This place has the best landscaping! Very suspicious to me how lush everything is with this water ban going on!?!?!? Huh?)
Yesterday we had our first official pool party! It was great to have all of the neighborhood kids over and the moms actually got to carry on conversations without interruptions! (Another bonus to the pool!)
Bear has found that he is going to enjoy the pool, too! (Look at the chaise lounge; and that's my towel- ick.)
Sam had a camp out with his buddy Max! These boys are just too cute! They have been friends since they were 18 months old and have stayed buds since! Even a rain shower didn't keep them from camping! (Lily didn't quite understand why we weren't leaving her to sleep with them in the tent!)
Surely two boys this cute can't cause much trouble?!?!
They do look tough though, right?
Today, my friend Cheri and I went to the local farmers market. How neat to be able to buy fresh fruits, veggies and flowers in the middle of suburbia.
I walked away with some pepper jelly, a homemade spice mix and who can leave an open air market without a big bag of boiled peanuts! (I was a big star when I walked in the house with these goobers!)
So, there you have it! Lots of summer fun within the past two weeks. With the Fourth of July coming up and our vacation to St. Simons in a couple of weeks, we are only looking for more fun family times on the horizon!
Life is good~
What a fun summer you are having! We miss you all so much. We've been swatting yellow jackets in the playground so you can see how much fun we are having without you.
The pool looks inviting. I may slip over one day during my lunch break.
okay, now that's a POOL!! very, very, very jealous!!! and, why did you come to the beach when you have your own personal retreat in your very own back yard??!! jealous, jealous, jealous!! ;)
did i mention i was jealous?
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